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Mini- webinar series about leadership with Dan Wilkinson

We are really pleased to be able to offer you the chance to join Dan Wilkinson for this series of three interactive webinars. Dan Wilkinson is a highly qualified and experienced coach from the UK and is qualified in both mountaineering, paddlesport, and skiing. Having worked in the Outdoor industry for over 20 years he has developed a real passion for sharing his knowledge with other coaches, leaders, and guides. He co-authored ‘Coaching Adventure Sports’, a book that shares current thinking and best practice for all those who work in the outdoor industry. 

His personal experiences are wide-ranging, from skiing in the Himalayas to undertaking 1st descents of whitewater rivers in Africa, Europe, and South America. Professional highlights include guiding ice climbing in the Canadian Rockies, leading multi-day ski tours in the European Alps and being the National Trainer for whitewater kayaking for British Canoeing. He also spends much of his time working as an instructor trainer, delivering coach education courses and leadership assessments in mountaineering and paddlesport. 

The dates for this 3-part webinar series will be held in English the following dates 2025:
Tuesday 25th February

Tuesday 11th March

Tuesday 25th March

Minimum participants: 15 and maximum 30 to make a great discussion.

The rough plan for the webinars, which are all roughly 1.5 hrs with lecture and discussions

1. Planning and Decision Making for Leaders, Guides and Coaches.
In this webinar we will explore the processes we go through when preparing to take participants into the outdoors, be that to lead them on a journey or to develop their skills.

2. Developing effective teaching and learning practices
In this webinar, we explore how people develop skills and what we can do to support this process effectively. 

3. Us as the leader / Coach / Guide
In this webinar, we will explore what we can do to enhance the experience of those we work with. This includes developing our personal philosophy, understanding how we task set to develop feedback and how we can continue to develop our skills.

Mer information Dan hittar du här om du är nyfiken: Dan Wilkinson | mysite

Förutsättningar för att delta: För att få delta på webinarieserie är att du är betalande medlem i SFLO samt priset för att delta är 199kr (betalningssätt kommer längre fram). Anmälan sker genom att skicka ett mail till: info@svenskafjalledare.se och skriv ”Webinar med Dan”, anmälan är bindande så länge det är tillräckligt med deltagare (dvs minst 15).
OBS! Det kan ske ändringar i innehåll av upplägget eller ändrade datum, detta är det preliminära!

Om du har några andra frågor kontakta info@svenskafjalledare.se så besvarar vi dem så fort vi kan.
Hoppas att du kan/vill delta för att fördjupa dina soft skills!

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